Tenant news

Habinteg Ipswich scheme gets grant funding for new CCTV

Tenants at our Ipswich Blackfriars Court scheme are feeling safer thanks to a new CCTV system provided by our grant funding scheme....

Want to move to another home or area?

If you’re interested in moving to a different home, you can apply to transfer to another one of our homes....

Get involved with your new Local Neighbourhood Plan

We’re producing a Local Neighbourhood Plan for each of our schemes, which sets out how we will aim to improve the communal areas within your scheme....

How decluttering can make your home safer

Keeping large collections of items in your home – or hoarding – can impact on the safety of your home and the safety of your neighbours and visitors....

New consumer standards will help landlords improve homes and services

This month sees a new set of consumer standards, and an accompanying Code of Practice come into force, monitored by The Regulator of Social Housing (RSH)....

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Get to know our Customer Services Assistant, Alison Dolphin

Find out what Customer Services Assistant Alison Dolphin does day to day in her role and which company she thinks offers excellent customer service....