Corporate Social Responsibility Statement

Our CSR Objectives

Corporate social responsibility is the keystone of Habinteg’s business and values. Our priority is to improve the lives of disabled people by providing high-quality homes which are accessible and/or adaptable, but that also enable participation and integration in the wider community.

However, our homes are also available to anyone seeking affordable rental housing. Surplus is re-invested into the business to improve existing stock and services and create more homes.

Resident involvement

We encourage our tenants to help us improve the services we offer, through their representation on bodies to make recommendations. Tenants play an important part in informing us about the practical measures and processes needed to make homes more accessible and to create communities that they are happy and proud to live in.

Centre for Accessible Environments

Our Centre for Accessible Environments (CAE) supports organisations within the private, public and third sectors to create more accessible environments through publications, consultancy, research and training to become more inclusive for people with disabilities.

CAE is funded through charitable partners to support young disabled people to develop their employability skills via our Pathways programme for a career in inclusive design through training and mentoring. CAE offers free access advice to London-based third sector bodies.

Our community input

We understand that some of our residents can encounter difficulties with budgeting and managing the impact of welfare reform, so intervene to help those in difficulty, guiding them to other welfare and advice services where appropriate.

During this difficult time in which covid-19 has complicated even further the day-to-day tasks for some of our most vulnerable tenants, our staff are reaching out to maintain contact with them.

Transparency in supply chains

Although not required to provide a Modern Slavery Act statement, we espouse its principles. Our suppliers are expected to understand the needs of the vulnerable people we work with, to comply with the law, regulation and good practice in respect of areas such as right to work, wage minima and training and to follow our policies.

It is acknowledged that outsourcing can present a higher risk of exposure to sub-standard labour practices. Our procurement policy and procedures and contracts register are subject to regular review.

Striving to be better - continuous review

We are currently reviewing our corporate social responsibility strategy, as part of a wide-ranging review of our strategies and policies, to continue to ensure that they remain fit for purpose and support our core values of being agile, accountable, ambitious and attentive. This statement will be reviewed in the light of this review and the evolution of our business.