Talk to us 0300 365 3100

Talk to us 0300 365 3100
Talk to us 0300 365 3100
My Habinteg makes it easier to manage your tenancy and gives you access to our services 24/7. When you join the portal (as a new user from 6 December) we'll automatically enter you into our monthly £50 shopping voucher winter prize draw and you'll be able to access most of our tenant services including:
One new feature of the tenant portal is a breakdown of how your service charge is calculated. It provides a description of each service charge item to ensure you're clear on what you're paying for. It will be available from 6 December 2024.
Pam's experience
Pam Shepherdson (pictured right) lives on our Roundhay scheme in Leeds. She joined the My Habinteg portal when she first moved into her home to help her simplify many aspects of her daily life. Pam has been using the portal regularly for tasks such as paying rent and even reporting a roof repair.
“I joined the portal for ease, I prefer doing things online as it’s much quicker,” she said. “I use it to check my rent account to see where I am with my payments. I like being able to easily take care of things myself in my time, so it’s made my life easier by letting me report repairs in a way that’s easy to handle,” she said. “Going on my experience, I think the portal could be really valuable for a lot of other tenants too.”
Repairs and complaints
My Habinteg is the best place to log all repair requests or any complaints. Portal requests are monitored by Our Customer Service Team. Please allow up to two working days for a response.
You can also save time on emailing or calling Habinteg Direct by making a request for something to do with your tenancy directly through the portal. For example, you may want to request:
Help with My Habinteg
We’ve designed an easy How to join My Habinteg guide.pdf, which includes step-by-step instructions on how to set up your account as well as how to use your online Habinteg account.
If you have any problems using your online account, please call our Customer Services Team at Habinteg Direct on 0300 365 3100. You’ll need to have your Habinteg account number handy, which you’ll find on your rent statement letter.
Get important updates
While you're here, to ensure you don't miss important information about your tenancy, home and services, send your full name and email address to stating 'I'd like to subscribe to the tenant ebulletin for important information about my tenancy, home and services'.
If you'd also like to receive a digital copy of our tenant newsletter Update, rather than a printed copy, tell us in that email too.