Tenant involvement

Group of 19 men and women standing and kneeling in an office space.

Tenant involvement is about tenants helping to shape our services and performance. Tenants can influence the way that Habinteg delivers housing and related services through feedback, scrutiny and partnership or joint working.

We want to make sure that your voice is heard throughout the organisation and that you have the chance to influence our services and policies. We want you to feel valued, listened to, and be confident that we’re acting on your views.

Discover the many ways you can have your say and get involved in your neighbourhood by taking up one of our tenant involvement roles.

Involvement opportunities arise regularly but are affected by external factors such as responding to changes in legislation. These factors can dictate the type of involvement we offer to our tenants, how we offer it and how much time we provide for responses to this.

What's the purpose of tenant involvement and why get involved?

Tenant involvement helps us to:

  • Gather feedback from tenants on their experience of using services and their opinion on the quality of the services
  • Enable tenants to influence how those services are delivered by involvement in service reviews and contractor reviews
  • Enable tenants to contribute towards setting standards for service delivery.

There are lots of good reasons to get involved:

  • Improve areas of our service that you feel could benefit you and your neighbourhood
  • Be the first to know anything new happening on your scheme and how you can influence this
  • Work with us to improve your quality of life and strengthen your community spirit
  • Attend meetings and events with expenses paid, meet our staff
  • Get some valuable training that can add value to your CV.