Tenant Listening Events

We have created six Tenant Listening Events:

  • North London
  • Central and East
  • South London and South East
  • South West
  • West Midlands, North West and North East
  • Yorkshire and Humberside.

Each Listening Event will combine Local Tenant Representatives, Neighbourhood Managers, and Senior Contractor Surveyors. A named board member will also be linked to each Tenant Listening Event.

Listening Events will review Habinteg’s performance and identify the priorities for improvement for their region. To help them, they will have access to data from satisfaction surveys, complaints & compliments, listening events and key performance indicators.

The events will ensure that tenants’ views are reflected in the way Habinteg designs and delivers services at a regional level.

We are holding our next meetings across April and May 2024. If you wish to register please email customerengagement@habinteg.org.uk or call Habinteg Direct on 0300 365 3100 for assistance.