Scrutiny Panel

Two tenants from the 2024 tenant engagement conference sitting down in a room.If you’re a details person or you like working with targets and data, the Scrutiny Panel might be for you.

The Scrutiny Panel examines how well Habinteg delivers its services, working on an annual plan of specific topics.

They focus on services that are underperforming or where there’s poor tenant satisfaction. Their reports drive a programme of service improvement.

See what the Scrutiny Panel has already worked on below.

Register your interest for future opportunities to get involved.

Review into the repairs service

The Tenant Scrutiny Panel’s review into the repairs service was in-depth review that took 14 weeks to complete. A detailed report with 13 recommendations was presented to Board by the Panel’s Chair, tenant Peter Harris, in September 2023.

Changes that have been made or are underway as a result of the review include:

  1. Involving tenants in selecting new repairs contractors
  2. Faster repair timeframes and better communication with tenants by  contractors
  3. Making sure tenants receive regular text messages and email updates at every stage of the repair journey
  4. The recruitment of an additional Repairs Surveyor in the North to ensure more effective scrutiny of our main contractor in the North
  5. Penalty clauses within all repairs contracts, should a complaint be received about a specific contractor
  6. Changes to the website to improve information about reporting repairs and the expected timeframes
  7. Better communication with tenants on the outcome of the current stock condition survey and any potential repairs.

The Scrutiny Panel hold regular meetings with the Director of Assets and the Director of Housing, Strategy & Innovation to review progress against the recommendations. We’ll evaluate the impact of the changes and continue to improve them as necessary.

Tenant-led improvement budget and grant funding

The Scrutiny Panel is involved assessing applications for funding from our Tenant Led Improvement Budget.

Funding bids are presented by tenants and Neighbourhood Managers and these bids are assessed by the Scrutiny Panel and staff. 

In 2023/24, we invested £43K in schemes thanks to the Tenant Led Improvement Budget. £32K of this investment was funded via the Compton Housing Trust, who have awarded a grant for tenant-led improvements to Habinteg over the last 3 years.

Funding was granted to 28 schemes across the country and has supported:

  • Communal furniture
  • Support for events for the King’s coronation
  • CCTV
  • Clean up days and skips
  • Garden plants and garden furniture
  • Installation of a bike shed
  • Installation of a fence
  • Signage 
  • Security gates.