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Talk to us 0300 365 3100
Talk to us 0300 365 3100
For more than 50 years, we’ve worked to provide inclusive and accessible homes and neighbourhoods. With over 3,300 properties in England and Wales across 86 Local Authorities, we’re as passionate as ever about what accessible homes can mean for the lives of people who need them.
We aim to help other providers and decision makers to understand the social and business case for building accessible communities. We do this by sharing both our technical expertise and the insights we gain working with our tenants and other disabled people looking for accessible places to live.
Our consultancy and training team, Centre for Accessible Environments (CAE), offer up-to-date technical expertise, both in the housing sector and beyond, enabling Habinteg to truly impact not only homes and neighbourhoods, but the whole range of built environments including work places, leisure facilities and streets.
We’re passionate about building a world that includes disabled people, offering places to live that meet their needs and providing the highest levels of independence, choice and control. We’ve devised a corporate strategy, Towards 2026, that’ll get us closer to that vision.
In the first version of our strategy published in 2022, we pledged to review the progress made against the plan annually. Having done so, we last updated our corporate strategy in April 2023. The document now reflects the outcome of that first review, and changes we agreed for 2023 and beyond. All updated items are clearly marked, with explanations for each change listed. Our review in 2024 didn’t result in any updates to the strategy. In 2025, we’ll begin developing our next corporate strategy continuing to ensure that our tenants are at the heart of all of our activities.
Read our corporate strategy Towards 2026_updated April 2023.pdf 9MB.