Rent and service charge review 2025

We recently wrote to our tenants with details of this year’s changes to rent and service charges. This page provides more information about the changes and answers some of the questions you may have.

When will my rent increase in 2025?

Your rent will increase from 7 April 2025 or 28 April 2025. The date on which your rent will increase will depend on how long you have been a tenant, and the date your rent increased last year.

Why has my rent increased?

In keeping with government guidelines for social housing landlords published in November 2024, Habinteg rents will rise by the rate of inflation (based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI, which is the official measure of inflation in consumer prices in the UK) plus 1%.

For the 2025/26 financial year, the relevant CPI figure (taken at September 2024) is 1.7%. The percentage by which your rent will increase is therefore 2.7%.

The increase in rent is necessary to ensure Habinteg can maintain your home to the Decent Homes Standard as set out by the UK Government. This means keeping homes in a reasonable state of repair and having reasonably modern facilities and services available for all tenants.

The increase also reflects the rising costs Habinteg pays in maintaining your homes and providing services. It will allow us to continue to make improvements to services and your neighbourhood.

Building materials, labour and maintenance are areas where many social housing providers are still seeing increased costs. With energy prices rising significantly since 2022, we have also had to budget for higher utility bills.

Why is my rent different from my neighbours?

Rents can differ between similar properties for a few reasons, these include the date that your tenancy began and the type of tenancy you have.

If you want further information about the rent on your property, you can speak to our Rent Assist Team. Call 0300 365 3100 and ask for them.

I claim Universal Credit, what should I do?

If you’re claiming Universal Credit, you’ll need to log on to your Universal Credit Journal, click on the section ‘Tenant’s To Do’ and update your rent charges. You need to do that as soon as possible to avoid delays in your payments.

You may also be eligible to have some, or all of your service charge paid for through Universal Credit.

I pay by direct debit, what should I do?

You don’t need to do anything. Your direct debit will change from 7 April 2025 (or 28 April 2025).

I pay by standing order, what should I do?

If you pay your rent by standing order, please change your standing order effective from your first payment on or after 28 April 2025 (or 7 April 2025).

If you pay monthly, the Rent Assist Team can help you work out what your new payment should be amended to. To speak to Rent Assist, call 0300 365 3100 and ask for them.

I claim Housing Benefit, what should I do?

If you’re claiming Housing Benefit, please send a copy of your rent letter Notice to your local Housing Benefit Office immediately. They will adjust the benefit paid, whether it’s paid to you or directly to Habinteg.

You may also be eligible to have some, or all of your service charge paid for through Housing Benefit.

Why has my service charge increased?

Service charges have gone up due to increases in gas and electricity prices, which have affected us all, and their impact on communal heating. If you have domestic gas and electricity provided through the service charge, the impact will be even greater.

Habinteg does not make any profit on service charges. 

Who can explain my service charge?

If you need more information about how your service charge is calculated, please visit

You can also read our Service Charge Guide or speak with your Neighbourhood Team. They can provide a paper copy of the Service Charge Guide.

I will struggle to afford these increases – what are my options?

We're here to support you. Our Rent Assist Team can help you explore your benefits and income options, and we have a Tenant Support Fund that may be able to assist, depending on your circumstances.

You can reach out to our Rent Assist Team by calling 0300 365 3100 and asking for them or by email

Winter support booklet

Habinteg has created the Winter Support Booklet as a guide to support all tenants over the winter months in particular. The booklet provides key information and advice on charities and support services related to everything from finances and energy bills to food and health, which you can also find in more detail in our Cost of Living hub at

Download Winter Support Booklet.pdf [3MB]

Download Winter Support Booklet.docx [18MB]