Habinteg campaign demands action to increase number of accessible homes | #ForAccessibleHomes News

Habinteg campaign demands action to increase number of accessible homes

Habinteg logo and tagling: Accessible homes, independent lives

For Accessible Homes day of action takes place tomorrow Friday 8 July.

Champion of accessible and inclusive housing, Habinteg is campaigning for the Government, councils and developers to recognise the importance of increasing the supply of accessible homes to meet national demand.

There are 11.6 million disabled people in Britain with a rapidly ageing society, yet only 6% of homes in England provide even basic accessibility features.

That’s why the ‘For Accessible Homes’ campaign, with a day of action on Friday 8 July aims to raise the profile of the issue and get people talking. Everyone is encouraged to get involved, make a noise about inclusion in housing and tell the world why accessible housing is so important. In short, are you for accessible homes? 

We argue that it is as important as ever to make the case for accessible and inclusive homes for all. The organisation’s founding belief is that accessible homes can enable people to be independent and be the starting point for inclusion in community life, education and the workforce. Accessible homes can also save public money, for example, in health and social care budgets. The lack of accessible homes leaves large numbers of people at risk of social exclusion and isolation as well.

Chief Executive Paul Gamble said:

“We know from listening to our tenants how important a home that meets your accessibility needs can be, especially if you have struggled with unsuitable housing in the past. We also know there is a national shortage of accessible, inclusive properties to rent or to buy. We need to build homes that are accessible and easy and cost-effective to adapt to meet life’s changing needs.

“It’s clear this issue affects many more people than just housing association customers. We want all of those voices to be heard and we urge everyone with an interest to take part in our campaign. Tell us why you’re for accessible homes.”

For more details and ways to get involved, please see www.habinteg.org.uk/foraccessiblehomes 

You can tweet your support using the hashtag #ForAccessibleHomes or join our Thunderclap.

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