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Kamran Mallick, Chief Executive of Disability Rights UK, shares his journey from the family home into accessible homes around the country.
Read How I left the nest and moved into my lifetime home…Actress, broadcaster and disability activist Shannon Murray is on a quest for a truly accessible home in London or Dublin. She shares highlights, disappointments and her view on how to give disabled people real choice when in finding a suitable property.
Read Great British Housing Safari: my hunt for an accessible place to call home…As we reach the end of our #ForAccessibleHomes week of action, Habinteg Chair, Manny Lewis shares his thoughts on the accessible housing landscape.
Read Inclusion should be everyone’s mission…Millennial Laura Wigzell and Founder of The Pretty Good Project shares her thoughts on inclusive design offers opportunities to live at home for a lifetime.
Read Little Finger, Big Problem…A personal insight into our CEO's thoughts on stylish accessible homes. #ForAccessibleHomes
Read #ForAccessibleHomes: Sheron Carter's thoughts on homes for older age…Policy professional and a key player in Habinteg's original #ForAccessibleHomes campaign team, David Halliwell grew up in an accessible home. He shares his opinion on the meaning of delivering housing that is truly accessible for everyone.
Read UK Housing's Future Has Accessibility at Its Heart…