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An evidence-based approach to planning for accessible homes has the potential to strategically promote inclusive design through the adoption of specific Local Plan policies, says RTPI's Claire Stafford.
Read Planners as visionaries: the need for strong planning partnerships…Gavin Smart, CEO of Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH), explains why CIH is calling for a significant step up in the delivery of new homes, and why accessible & adaptable homes must be included.
Read Recognising our hidden housing crisis…Danielle Faulkner, is the mother of James, 5, who lives with hydrocephalus, water on the brain. Read about her battle to find a suitable home for James, and how their currently unsuitable, inaccessible home impacts their lives literally and emotionally, every day.
Read Sleepless nights of fear – one family’s story of inaccessible housing…Our Insight Group member Chris Hicken gives an insight into what effect living in a wheelchair user home has had on his quality of life, and the struggles a disabled person faces when searching for suitable long-term housing.
Housing occupational therapist Jacquel Runnalls believes they can. Read what she has to say.
Read Can Housing Occupational Therapists help bridge the gap between designers & developers, & desirable, appropriately built & marketed wheelchair user homes?…Charlotte Watson, Senior Policy Advisor at the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA), says Accessible Homes Week is a great time to reflect on the past, present and future of creating homes that cater to all.
Read What can we do to provide more wheelchair-accessible homes?…