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R.Crusoe, a disabled person living in Greater Manchester, shares his experience living in an accessible home amongst a neighbourhood of inaccessible properties. He is also a member of Greater Manchester Coalition of Disabled People’s (GMCDP) Housing Working Group. GMCDP, is a ground-breaking organisation that over the last 35 years, has campaigned for disabled people’s full and equal inclusion within all aspects of society.
Read Notes from a small island of accessibility…Read how the end of a relationship sent Karen Hoe & her children, Max, 22 and Dakota, 10, on a three year housing journey for adaptable, affordable housing, which was hampered by Covid-19, bad planning, poor communication & legal battles with her local authority.
Read It took the Hoe family 3 years to be able to call their house a home…Helen Evans, Chair of the G15 and Chief Executive of Network Homes shares why she thinks Covid-19 is a rallying cry for us to champion accessibility and inclusion this #ForAccessibleHomes week.
Read Covid-19 shows we can’t expect UK Gov alone to act on accessible homes…Habinteg tenant and Insight group member, Kerry Thompson, shares how her accessible homes has helped her to live independently and why she's campaigning for more accessible homes.
Read We must do better for our disabled population…Kate Henderson, National Housing Federation's chief executive, shares why she thinks now is an ideal time for the Government to put homes at the heart of the UK's recovery.
Read The Government must put homes at the heart of the UK's recovery…Habinteg Insight Group member, Fleur Perry, shares how being able to easily access her garden during lockdown, meant that she was locked down but not locked in.
Read Locked down, not locked in…