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Talk to us 0300 365 3100
Message from our Vice-Chair Andrew Gibson
Today is our second #ForAccessibleHomes day. After last year’s award winning campaign, the challenge has been to build on that success and send our message about the importance of inclusion and access in housing as widely as possible.
I’m so pleased to see the response to the campaign from our tenants, staff, board members and the huge support externally from a range of sectors, organisations and influential individuals. Thank you to everyone that has taken part.
What makes this campaign day special is the great personal stories that clearly illustrate the importance of accessible, inclusive and adaptable housing in the UK and beyond.
This week we’ve had events at our housing schemes across the country, bringing tenants together and demonstrating the impact that accessibility in housing has had on their lives. You can see the picture messages, videos and blogs on the website and on social media throughout the day.
We’ve also been in Parliament this week to meet MPs from across the political spectrum including the Minister for Disabled People, Penny Mordaunt MP. It’s important for us to make the case directly with influential decision makers, both nationally and locally, and the response to the issue has mainly been positive. We need to see strong policy follow on from this work and to build on the momentum and the coalition of support garnered by this campaign. I feel confident that politicians understand the issue and we’re pleased with the support the campaign has had amongst this audience.
A home that meets your needs is fundamental to independent living and the ability to take up opportunities in life and adapt to changing circumstances. That’s why the campaign matters. An accessible housing deficit means this is not reality for everyone and we’ll keep making the case to change the situation for the better.
We know that just 7% of the housing stock in England has basic access features. We know that too many disabled and older people are living in unsuitable housing, with associated impacts on their ability to live independently and with associated costs to health and social care services. We know that disabled people living in inaccessible accommodation are 4 times more likely to be unemployed than those in homes which meet their needs. There is a solution which requires political will and long-term commitment.
Today is about everyone raising their voice to say 'I'm for accessible homes'. Let’s keep growing the support and creating the conditions for inclusion in housing policy.
Enjoy the day!
For more information on supporting our #ForAccessibleHomes Day of Action on Friday 8 September visit our page for supporters or get in touch on Twitter @habinteg