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Terrie Alafat, Chartered Institute of Housing: "The ‘hidden’ housing crisis is an economic, social and human catastrophe"

We need to build the right homes in the right places that people can afford. That means delivering housing that is fit for current and future communities, including the increasing numbers of older people and working aged disabled adults and children.

Read Terrie Alafat, Chartered Institute of Housing: "The ‘hidden’ housing crisis is an economic, social and human catastrophe"…

Age UK and Habinteg call for better accessibility standards in new homes

Today Age UK and Habinteg release a new campaigning factsheet, which calls for all new homes to be built to higher accessibility standards. There are currently 6.5 million people with mobility problems and 13.9 million disabled people in the UK and unless homes become more adaptable, future generations will be forced to ‘make do’ in homes that fail to meet their needs.

Read Age UK and Habinteg call for better accessibility standards in new homes…
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