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Habinteg Housing Association has appointed Nic Bungay as its Director of Housing and Assets to help deliver its ambitious five-year strategy, Towards 2026.
Read Habinteg appoints new Director of Housing and Assets…Habinteg has appointed the former Chair of RNIB, Eleanor Southwood MBE, as its new Chair. Eleanor will take up the role from December 2021, starting with a handover period with outgoing chair Manny Lewis.
Read Habinteg appoints Eleanor Southwood MBE as its next Chair…Habinteg is working with Middlesbrough Neighbourhood Policing Team and other partner agencies to stamp out antisocial behaviour (ASB) and associated crime in and around Hemlington.
Read Habinteg works with partners to tackle anti-social behaviour…Habinteg has signed up with the not-for-profit mutual housing exchange service for Council and Housing Association tenants, House Exchange, for another year to give tenants free access to register and search for a house exchange.
Read Habinteg tenants can register their interest for a home swap…Habinteg welcomed 24 tenants to its online Listening Day, on 18 September, to hear their views on their homes and the services we provide.
Read Shaping our future: tenants tuned in & we listened…A new YouGov survey, commissioned by Habinteg, shows that 55% of British adults, who do not have a mobility difficultly, think they would not be able to live in their current home, due to its design and layout, if they become physically disabled.
Read Over half of Brits say they won’t be able to live in their home if they become disabled…This autumn we’re working on Habinteg’s next five year plan, Towards 2026, and, importantly we need input from tenants to set our new priorities and direction.
Read Help Habinteg shape its future…The new National Strategy for Disabled People makes eight commitments on accessible homes. Read Habinteg’s response to each of these commitments.
Read What does the National Strategy for Disabled People mean for accessible housing?…Habinteg Housing Association Board member Vanessa Dockerill has been named as the Government’s Disability and Access Ambassador for private sector housing.
Read Government spotlights accessible homes by appointing new Ambassador…