10 electrical safety rules for your home | Tenant news

10 electrical safety rules for your home

While May might have been the official National Electrical Safety Month, at Habinteg, ensuring our tenants’ safety is at the front of our minds every month.

Here are 10 tips to help you take precautions and care when using any electrical equipment, appliances, or devices, reducing the risk of fire and injury to your household and your neighbours.

  1. Check your electrical leads for signs of damage, such as loose or exposed wires on cables. If they’re damaged, don’t ignore them and plug them back in, get them repaired professionally.
  2. Make sure you don’t overload extension leads and never plug an extension lead or four-way socket into another extension lead.
  3. If you smell burning near to an electrical socket, see any sparks or smoke, or if a fuse blows, stop using that socket and get advice from an electrician.
  4. Trailing electrical cables can be a trip hazard and are more likely to create electrical problems. Never wrap electrical leads around objects as this can stretch them and may cause them to overheat. 
  5. Unplug electrical appliances and devices to help keep your home safer as well as save energy, especially if you’re going away on holiday or for the weekend. Many devices use some electricity even when they’re not switched on or are in standby mode. 
  6. Keep all electrical appliances and devices well away from water and dry your hands before using them.
  7. Electrical appliances often have vents to prevent them from overheating and becoming a potential fire hazard. Never put things on top of electrical appliances such as microwaves, and never put appliances inside cupboards unless they were specifically designed to do so.
  8. Only use genuine electrical goods that meet UK safety standards. Avoid buying unbranded electrical goods and electricals from online marketplaces, such as Amazon marketplace, where sellers are not subject to strict checks.
  9. Store electrical items in a dry and safe place where they’re protected from the elements, whether they’re for indoor use or for the outdoors such as an electric lawnmower or other electrical gardening tools. 
  10.  Keeping electrical items clean, and maintaining them regularly, will help you to spot potential dangers early and keep your appliances running at their best. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning and care.

If you have any issues or concerns about the electrics in your home, please report it to our Customer Services Team on 0300 365 3100.

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