£150 disability cost of living payment for disabled people | Tenant news

£150 disability cost of living payment for disabled people

From 20 June more than six million disabled people in the UK can expect a one-off £150 disability cost of living payment from the government.

While rising household costs are affecting every home across the UK, they are having an even more significant impact on disabled households who often have additional costs such as energy to running essential health and mobility equipment.

Who will get the payment?

You will receive the one-off payment if you were paid any of the following disability benefits from 1 April 2023:

  • disability living allowance
  • personal independence payment
  • attendance allowance
  • armed forces independence payment
  • constant attendance allowance
  • war pension mobility supplement.

When and how will I get the payment?

If you’re eligible for the £150 payment, you won’t need to apply for it.

The money will be paid directly into your bank account during a two-week window between 20 June and 4 July 2023.

Find out more about the disability cost of living payment, which is part of a wider package of government support.

Support for non disabled people

The government has a number of cost of living support packages providing extra help for people on the lowest incomes, including £300 for pensioners due later this year.

We’ve also created a Cost of Living Support Hub for tenants  where you’ll find information on a range of charity and voluntary organisations offering support and advice on everything from household bills to transport.

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