Ensuring courtesy and respect between you and us | Tenant news

Ensuring courtesy and respect between you and us

We’ve revised our Reasonable Behaviour Policy to ensure you, our staff, and contractors, are clear on how we should be treating and talking to each other. All customers have a right to be heard and while we have an obligation towards tenants, we also have a duty to protect our employees, contractors, and others. In return, you can expect our staff and contractors to treat you with courtesy and respect.

Who does it apply to?

The policy applies to you, your family members, or any visitor you may have, and our staff, contractors and other partners.

It covers every form of contact including but not limited to telephone calls, emails, face to face contact, home visits and social media posts.

Zero tolerance

We have a zero-tolerance policy to abusive or threatening behaviour towards our colleagues and we’ll take action against anyone who behaves in an unacceptable way.

Our tenants, other household members and any visitors must not harass or threaten to harass anyone in the neighbourhood, or any agent, colleague or contractor.

Any harassment based on age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, can be treated as a hate-crime as these are protected characteristics.


We take allegations of Anti Social Behaviour (ASB) abuse very seriously and they’ll be investigated in line with the relevant policy and procedure. Examples include threats, physical violence, derogatory and / or inflammatory statements.

Unreasonable demands

We’ll consider demands unreasonable if they impact significantly on our resources due to information being sought, repetitive requests for information and the scale of service expected.

Before taking formal action, we’ll try and reach a voluntary (informal) arrangement to find a resolution in the best interest of everyone involved.

Formal actions

We have a list of formal actions that we will follow, but if these steps are unsuccessful, we will issue two warnings before taking legal action. Read our full policy.

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