Get to know our Neighbourhood Team: Meet Scott Rumblow | Tenant news

Get to know our Neighbourhood Team: Meet Scott Rumblow

What’s your name?
Scott Rumblow

What’s your job at Habinteg?
Neighbourhood Co-Ordinator

Which region do you work in?
Yorkshire and Humber

How would you describe your job in one sentence?
Challenging but also very rewarding.

What’s the best thing about your job?
The help and support you get from all parts of organisation. 

What’s the best thing about working on your schemes?
Each one is different in many ways.

How many tenants’ lives do you change in a week?
About 5 to 10 at least.

Which one of these animals would you prefer to live with: guinea pig, mouse or rat?
Guinea pig.

What’s the nicest thing that’s happened to you on your scheme?
I can’t pinpoint one individual thing as there is so many. The many thanks and compliments tenants have written and emailed in, mean so much to me.

What’s the most unexpected thing that’s happened to you on your scheme?
Nothing surprises me anymore in this role. But the most unexpected thing I can think of is this: my car was very mucky, and the tenants took it upon themselves to wash just one door of its doors, prompting me to have the car cleaned. It was all in good jest, may I add.

If you were able to ask one thing of all the tenants in your region, what would you ask?
Everyone’s got their priorities but understanding that sometimes other people’s may be more important than theirs at that time.

What’s your favourite Friday night takeaway?

Which scheme in your region would you like to live on and why?
The Park Road scheme in Hull, as it has off-road parking and a sense of community spirit; all tenants come together to help others in their hour of need.

You’ve got a bonus holiday for being a great Neighbourhood Manager/Coordinator – how do you spend it?
I’d spend with it my family on a day out during the summer months to make valuable memories.

What’s your favourite staycation destination for a summer holiday?
I have always wanted to visit the Lake District during the winter months and rent a lodge when it’s snowing and have a nice open fire.

Which of these community soap operas is most like the community you live in: Eastenders, Coronation St, Emmerdale?
Eastenders, there’s always drama there and the market does hot food.

Are you more of an Angel of the North or Statue of Eros tourist?
Neither really.

How would your neighbours describe you?
Polite, welcoming, courteous.

How would your Habinteg colleagues describe you?
Hmmmmm. Daft at times, helpful, wears his heart on his sleeve.

If you could choose, who would you most like to live next door to, and why?
The chairman of Leeds United Football Club to get free match tickets. 

Please explain the name Habinteg.
To me, Habinteg means friendly, welcoming, involved, and open to new ideas and change.


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