Get to know our surveyors: meet Sandra Sullivan | Tenant news

Get to know our surveyors: meet Sandra Sullivan

Find out what our Senior Surveyor for the west, Sandra Sullivan, who joined Habinteg in April, does day to day, what geographical areas she covers and where she would go on a bonus holiday (clue: it’s close to home).

How would you describe your job?

I visit customers to look at any repairs and I work closely with our contractor to make sure the work gets done.

How long have you been a surveyor?

This is a second career for me. I’ve been a surveyor for around three years (if you include the time during my university placement year).

What’s the best thing about your job?

Meeting residents, by a country mile!

How many homes do you visit on average per week?

It can depend on the week. Sometimes just a few, other weeks can be a dozen or more. I cover quite a large geographical area, from Bristol in the West across to Newbury down to Southampton and across to Cornwall.

How many tenants do you help on average per week?

As many as I can. Some jobs are more complex than others and some require more admin and paperwork.

If you were able to ask one thing of all the tenants in your region, what would it be?

It can be frustrating when you can’t get hold of a tenant, or they aren’t at home for their appointment or repair work. Please let us know if you can’t make an appointment. This can avoid a wasted journey and can help us free-up time to work on a different home – that way we’ll get to every job a lot quicker.

Which scheme in your region would you like to live on and why?

I had my first trip to Marshall Close in Cornwall recently. The residents that I met were lovely and the bungalows were too.

You’ve got a bonus holiday for being a great surveyor – how do you spend it?

In my garden, sunning myself with my cats. Heaven.

What’s your favourite Friday night takeaway?

Fish and chips. Yum.

Where is your favourite place to go on holiday?

Perth in Australia or Jordan in the Middle East.

What’s your idea of a good neighbour?

Quiet, cat-loving gardeners.

Who would be your first choice for a neighbour?

The actor and comedian Ricky Gervais. 

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