Joint Strategy and Impact Group (JSIG) take the lead | Tenant news

Joint Strategy and Impact Group (JSIG) take the lead

Joint Strategy and Impact Group (JSIG) take the lead

Earlier in the year, we announced changes to the how we engage with tenants and we wanted to get you involved because your voice is important in helping us improve our services. In August, we invited tenants to take up roles as local tenant representatives, Scrutiny and Editorial Panels were invited to apply for the tenant member positions of the Joint Strategy and Impact Group (JSIG). And many tenants have now volunteered to take up these roles, thank you.

What will JSIG members do?

The Joint Strategy and Impact Group (JSIG) will lead our approach to tenant influence making sure that our focus is on customer satisfaction.  

Recruitment of JSIG members

Five tenants joined the Group in September.

  • Pamela Bloomfield from Ruislip who is a Scrutiny Panel member
  • Kerry Thompson from Milton Keynes is an Editorial Panel member and a member of the Insight Group
  • John Walsh from North London is a Local Tenant Representative
  • Julie Dove from Yarm is a Local Tenant Representative
  • Cathy Smith from Liverpool is a Local Tenant Representative.

All five appointed tenants bring a wealth of experience with backgrounds in customer services, economic advice, working with government departments and charities, community development, disability equality, and campaigning for various issues including diversity, accessible homes, women’s health and changing places toilets.

A full-day’s induction was held at our City Road Offices in London for all members including our Board members Eleanor Southwood, Christine Marsters, and John Knight. The first formal meetings took place on 13 October 2022 an the second on 4 November 2022.

Here’s what some of our JSIG members have to say:

"The JSIG has got underway quite well and I think that it is going forward very satisfactorily. It is covering a wide range of issues that are of interest to tenants; for instance, the last meeting dealt at length with repairs. It is still at a fairly early stage but it is hoped that with a constructive and open-minded attitude all round in time it will make a positive contribution to shaping Habinteg into an organisation that genuinely reflects the developing needs and future aspirations of its tenants and residents".  (John Walsh, JSIG member, North London)

“It's exciting to be working alongside Habinteg’s board members, senior management, and other tenants to look at the issues that will affect us all in the future. It clearly demonstrates how the views of tenants matter and are helping to drive the organisation forward” (Julie Dove, JSIG tenant member, Yarm)

"It’s a real pleasure working alongside Habinteg and other tenants - as I'm a true believer that all conversations about us should be with us." (Kerry Thompson, JSIG tenant member, Milton Keynes).

We look forward to hearing more about the work of JSIG in the coming months.

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