Slow cooker class a great success in Stockton | Tenant news

Slow cooker class a great success in Stockton

3 women standing at a table opening 3 slow cookers Tenants living in Habinteg’s Stockton scheme got to put their cooking skills to the test recently with a slow cooker cookery class, thanks to Habinteg and Stockton Council.

Tenants attended the class to learn about cheaper, healthier ways to make food. Tenants commented that slow cookers are a great way to cook food, it requires minimal food preparation and is great for batch cooking.

Habinteg tenant Andrea Henry said: “It was a great class, and everything was easy to understand. The tutor even talked about the costs of running a slow cooker versus an oven and gave other handy hints and tips. We were given recipes, which I’m enjoying making in my new slow cooker.”

New recipes

The group were given lots of recipes and tips about cooking with the slow cookers – which were funded by Stockton Council – and got hands-on experience using a cooker to make their own macaroni cheese.

A group of 5 women sitting around a table talking about slow cooker cooking The event was extremely successful and enjoyed by all the tenants, including Kendra Rolfe who said: “It was very informative and enjoyable. The teacher explained everything in detail and was very friendly. I didn’t realise that you could bake a cake in a slow cooker, so I’m definitely going to give that a try now.”

Habinteg’s Neighbourhood Manager of the North East, Donna Rowe arranged the classes.

She said: “We’re so pleased that the class went well and we’re really grateful to Stockton Council for sponsoring them. We’ve had so much positive feedback from our tenants that we’re looking to arrange another class soon.”

At the end of the class, Stockton Council allowed each tenant to keep their slow cookers. 

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