Support to help with winter living costs and essentials | Tenant news

Support to help with winter living costs and essentials

With winter here for a few more weeks yet, energy, food and rent costs can squeeze everyone’s wallet, but don’t worry – support is available to help you through the colder months.

Heating and energy bills

There are several government schemes available to help with heating costs during winter.

You might be eligible for the Winter Fuel Payment, a one-off payment to help those over 65 with heating costs, which is automatically paid to individuals already receiving State Pension or other benefits.

The Cold Weather Payment provides additional financial support if the temperature drops below freezing for seven days or more. This scheme is available for people receiving certain benefits including:

  • Pension Credit
  • Income Support
  • Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Universal Credit
  • Support for Mortgage Interest.

You’ll get £25 for each seven-day period of very cold weather until 31 March 2025.

There is also the Warm Home Discount Scheme, which provides a one-off discount on electricity bills for eligible low-income households and pensioners. If you’re eligible, your electricity supplier will apply the discount to your bill.

Housing and rent

If you're struggling with rent or housing costs, Discretionary Housing Payments may provide relief. It’s a one-off payment to help people who are receiving Housing Benefit or Universal Credit but still can’t afford their housing costs.

Your council will decide if you’re eligible, the amount you’ll be paid and for how long you’ll receive the payment.

For more information, visit

If you’re at risk of or already in rent arrears, our Rent Assist team can also offer support and advice, including benefits guidance. For further information, please call 0300 365 3100 and ask for Rent Assist or visit

Charities and food banks

If you’re struggling with food, clothing, or other essentials, you can reach out to a variety of charities and local services for help.

The Trussell Trust provides emergency food parcels via a network of food banks. You’ll need to be referred for a food voucher, which can be exchanged for a parcel at your local food bank. Find out more at

The Independent Food Aid Network offers help through independent food banks not connected to the Trussell Trust. You can locate your nearest food bank at

The Salvation Army, in addition to food assistance, may offer support with clothing, heating bills, and other essentials. Visit more details.

Money and debt

If you’re facing money difficulties or struggling with debt, there are free services that can help you navigate these tough times.

Citizens Advice is a charity offering free, confidential debt support. They help you prioritise debts, negotiate with creditors, and set up manageable repayment plans.

Find more information, visit their website at or call their debt helpline at 0800 240 4420.

StepChange is another charity that provides free debt advice and solutions to help manage or reduce debts through repayment plans or debt write-offs.

You can get help by visiting their website at or calling 0800 138 1111.

For more advice and help with managing your living costs during winter, visit our cost of living support hub.


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