Want to swap your home? – Here's your step-by-step guide | Tenant news

Want to swap your home? – Here's your step-by-step guide

Dear Habinteg Direct,

I’ve lived in my home for a good few years now, and while I love it, I really need to be closer to my mum. Travelling back and forth is getting tough, and I’d love to find a place nearer to her. I’ve heard about home swapping, but I don’t know where to start. How does it work? Is it complicated?

– Sam, Habinteg Tenant

Dear Sam,

You're not alone—many tenants look into home swapping when their current property no longer fits their needs. Whether it’s to be closer to family, for work, or just for a change, a mutual exchange (home swap) can be a great option. Instead of waiting for a transfer, you can swap homes with another social housing tenant with a different landlord.

Step 1: Check your eligibility

Most Habinteg tenants have the right to swap, but there are some exceptions. If you're unsure, your Neighbourhood Team can confirm this for you.

You'll need to make sure your rent payments are up to date and that you haven't had any tenancy breaches, for being a noisy neighbour or anti-social behaviour for example.

Step 2: Find someone to swap with

Habinteg has signed up with the not-for-profit mutual housing exchange service, House Exchange, to give our tenants free access to register for a home swap.

This means you will have more options for a move if you want to move to another area or even if you want to swap with someone in the same street. When considering a home, ask yourself:

Location: Is it close to family, work, or essential services?

Size: Does it have the right number of bedrooms? Is it bigger or smaller than your current home?

Condition: Are you happy with how the home looks, or would it need major repairs or decorating?

Accessibility: If you have mobility needs, does the home meet them?

Transport & amenities: Are there good transport links, shops, or schools nearby?

It’s important to visit the property in person if possible. Unlike a regular move, a swap means taking the home as it is, so be sure you’re happy with it before agreeing.

Once you’ve found a match, both you and the other tenant need written permission from your landlords. This is a legal requirement—moving without approval could put your tenancy at risk. Your landlord will carry out checks, including ensuring rent is up to date and inspecting the condition of your home. If you’re responsible for any repairs, you’ll need to complete them before the swap can be approved.

Step 3: Plan your move

You’ll need to sign new tenancy agreements, agree on a move date, and make sure your home is completely cleared out before handing back your keys. Leaving unwanted belongings behind could delay things, so plan ahead to make the transition smooth.

If a home swap doesn’t seem like the right option, don’t worry—there are other ways to move. You could apply for an internal transfer to another Habinteg property or look into moving to a different housing association or council home. Your Neighbourhood Team can help explain what’s available.

For more details, visit www.habinteg.org.uk/moving-home.

I hope this helps and best of luck with your move.

– Habinteg Direct Team


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